Hello fellow NSP-C Western Region patrollers,
Aaron and Johanna Hislop have been extremely active and supportive of both the ski and bike patrol at Spirit Mountain, region and division. Their daughter Courtney was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and has required multiple transfusions of blood products.
To help support Courtney in her fight against leukemia, the Spirit Mountain Patrol is organizing a blood drive to help keep those vital blood products available to those in need. It will be on May 18th, 2019 at Chester Bowl. To participate, please email Cindy Cerio at ccerio1@hotmail.com by April 15th so that we can have adequate time and staff available for donations. After April 15th, we can post the actual time for the blood donations.
Contact Cindy Cerio at Spirit Mountain Ski Patrol here: ccerio1967@gmail.com
Below is more info and a link to schedule a blood donation on May 18th.
Memorial Blood Centers | MarketingDev@MBC.org | 1-888-GIVE-BLD
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Nearly 100% of the blood used by patients in Northland hospitals is donated by Northland blood donors with Memorial Blood Centers. Give hope to patients in your community.
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Saving Lives for Courtney Blood Drive Saturday, May 18th 8:00AM – 2:00PM | |
Or contact Cindy Cerio to Sign Up – ccerio1@hotmail.com
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Double your donation, double the lives saved! Double red cell donations are available
at your blood drive. You’re the right type if you are O+, O-, A-, or B-. | |
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